HD 95086
HIP 53524
RA (J2000) | DEC (J2000) | Category | Spec Type | R band (mag) | Distance (pc) | Disk Major Axis " | Disk Diameter (AU) | Inclination (degrees) | Major axis PA | Reference | Resolution elements across | At ref. wavelength (microns) | # References |
10 57 03.02 | -68 40 02.5 | Debris | A8III | 7.5 | 90.4 | 12.01 | 1086 | 23.3 | 100.6 | Moor et al. 2015 | 2.9 | 70 | 9 |
ALMA 1.3 Millimeter Map of the HD 95086 System
Su, K.Y. et al. 2017 A.J. 154 225

An ATCA Survey of Debris Disks at 7 Millimeters
Ricci, L. et al. 2015 Ap.J. 813 138
ATCA 6.8mm continuum observations
Spitzer IRS Spectra of Debris Disks in the Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association
Jang-Condell, H., Chen, C.H., Mittal, T. et al. 2015 Ap.J. 808 167
Spitzer SED information
Stirring in massive, young debris discs from spatially resolved Herschel images
Moór, A., et al. 2015, MNRAS, 447, 577-597
Herschel 70, 100, 160 micron photometry

Debris Distribution in HD 95086—A Young Analog of HR 8799
Su, K.Y.L. et al. 2015 Ap.J. 799 146
Resolved Herschel images

Disk Radii and Grain Sizes in Herschel-resolved Debris Disks
Pawellek, N., et al. 2014, ApJ, 792, 19
A Resolved Debris Disk around the Candidate Planet-hosting Star HD 95086
Moór, A. et al. 2013, ApJL, 775, 6
A Spitzer MIPS Study of 2.5-2.0 M⊙ Stars in Scorpius-Centaurus
Chen, C. H. et al. 2012, ApJ, 756, 24
Kuiper belts around Nearby Stars
Nilsson, R. et al. 2010 A.&A. 518 A40