HD 138813
HIP 76310
RA (J2000) | DEC (J2000) | Category | Spec Type | R band (mag) | Distance (pc) | Disk Major Axis " | Disk Diameter (AU) | Inclination (degrees) | Major axis PA | Reference | Resolution elements across | At ref. wavelength (microns) | # References |
15 35 16.11 | -25 44 03.0 | Debris | A0 | 7.32 | 151 | 1.85 | 279 | 28 | 48 | Lieman-Sifry et al. 2016 | 1.9 | 1240 | 14 |
The hybrid disks: a search and study to better understand evolution of disks
Péricaud, J. et al. 2017, A&A, 600, 23
Debris Disks in the Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association Resolved by ALMA
Lieman-Sifry, J. et al. 2016, ApJ, 828, 18
ALMA CO(2-1) and 1240 μm

Spitzer IRS Spectra of Debris Disks in the Scorpius-Centaurus OB Association
Jang-Condell, H., Chen, C.H., Mittal, T. et al. 2015 Ap.J. 808 167
The Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph Debris Disk Catalog. II. Silicate Feature Analysis of Unresolved Targets
Mittal, T. et al. 2015, ApJ, 798, 26
Rapid evolution of the innermost dust disc of protoplanetary discs surrounding intermediate-mass stars
Yasui, C. et al. 2014, MNRAS, 442, Issue 3, p.2543
The Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph Debris Disk Catalog. I. Continuum Analysis of Unresolved Targets
Chen, C H. et al. 2014, ApJS, 211, 22
A Herschel PACS survey of the dust and gas in Upper Scorpius disks
Mathews, G. et al. 2013, A&A, 558, id.A66, 30
A Spitzer MIPS Study of 2.5-2.0 M⊙ Stars in Scorpius-Centaurus
Chen, C. H. et al. 2012, ApJ, 756, 24
A Correlation between Circumstellar Disks and Rotation in the Upper Scorpius OB Association
Dahm, S. E. et al. 2012, ApJ, 745, Issue 1, article id. 56, 18
The Disk Population of the Upper Scorpius Association
Luhman, K.L. and Mamajek, E.E. Ap.J. 758 31
Are debris discs self-stirred?
Kennedy, G. M. et al. 2010, MRNAS, 405, 1253
Debris Disks in the Upper Scorpius OB Association
Carpenter, J. M. et al. 2009, ApJ, 705, 1646
MIPS 24 μm and 70 μm photometry
The Masses of Transition Circumstellar Disks: Observational Support for Photoevaporation Models
Cieza, L. et al. 2008, 686, Issue 2, article id. L115
Evidence for Mass-dependent Circumstellar Disk Evolution in the 5 Myr Old Upper Scorpius OB Association
Carpenter, J. M. et al. 2006, ApJ, 651, L49