HD 15745
RA (J2000) | DEC (J2000) | Category | Spec Type | R band (mag) | Distance (pc) | Disk Major Axis " | Disk Diameter (AU) | Inclination (degrees) | Major axis PA | Reference | Resolution elements across | At ref. wavelength (microns) | # References |
02 32 55.81 | +37 20 01.4 | Debris | F2 | 7.5 | 64 | 7.5 | 480 | 52 | 23 | Schneider et al. 2014 | 145.4 | 0.6 | 8 |
Featureless (?), bi-lateral asymmetry
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Nearby Debris Disk Systems with High Fractional Luminosity Reconsidered
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Dusty debris disks as signposts of planets: implications for Spitzer Space Telescope
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Age dependence of the Vega phenomenon: observations
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